20tastic: Advice for Millennials by Millennials


The purpose of 20tastic: Advice for Millennials by Millennials is to allow the voice of other millennials to be heard. As much as I like to share my thoughts and ideas, I understand that I don’t know everything. I also understand that my story isn’t the only story worth telling.

As I scroll through my various social networking sites, I see so many of my friends posting about different situations they encounter each day.  Some talk about their job search, others about their relationships. They share their ups and downs, highs and lows. I’m often inspired by my virtual friends and their ability to overcome adversity.  I’ve become personally invested in their journeys and I’m always cheering for their success.


 20tastic: Advice for Millennials by Millennials will be back August 2018.



In the meantime, check out some of my posts.
Previous 20tastic Post
Heart Hickeys- Why I No Longer Have A Broken Heart
Stay Woke Even When Others Sleep On Your Dreams
4 Alternative Facts Twenty-Somethings Need To Stop Believing

