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Articles posted by Kymmie
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    It’s Okay To Walk Away

    Posted On 01/12/2020

    When news broke that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wanted to split from the royal family, debates filled my social media timelines. While their decision to step away has been met with much criticism, I found myself relating to their situation. Harry and Meghan wanted to live THEIR life on THEIR terms, so they decided to walk away.

    The past three years have been full of transition for me. I’ve moved several times. I’ve had many jobs. I started a business, and I decided to go back to school. And although my life was coming together, it somehow seemed to be falling apart. Happiness was more of an illusion than a reality. My life wasn’t terrible, but I was still exhausted, anxious, and frustrated all the time.

    Through deep reflection and therapy, I realized that the new version of myself didn’t fit into my old way of living. I overstayed my welcome in situations to prove that I’m strong enough to handle them. I wanted to overcome obstacles instead of admitting defeat. I tried to kill people with kindness, and I end up killing my self-esteem in the process. I preferred to be rejected by what was familiar than to endure the uncomfortable uncertainty of the unknown. It wasn’t until one of my coworkers died unexpectedly that I was reminded that life is entirely too short to hold on to situations that are no longer in alignment with the person I was (and still am) becoming. So I decided to let go of what was weighing me down.

    Throughout life, I’ve found that if I’m strong enough to stay, then I’m strong enough to walk away. I’m often told if I remove myself from a situation, then I’m “letting others win,” or I’m not “strong enough.” Truth is, wherever I go, I take my strength with me. For me, it’s not about winning or losing. It’s about ejecting myself from the games that my soul, my heart, and my mind never intended to play. Living a life of strife is not what I was designed for.

    In this season of transformation and release, I’ve discovered a lot of freedom. I’m no longer tied to people-pleasing. I go where I want to go. I don’t go where I don’t want to go. I don’t owe anyone an explanation for my decisions. It’s that simple.

    I didn’t have to cut people off, my choices naturally weeded people out. I’ve learned that people don’t dislike me, they dislike my boundaries. And I figured if people were willing to laugh at me at my lowest point, then they would probably heckle me at my highest. But at least when I’m at my highest, I know I’m operating at an optimal level.

    To me, self-care is more than finding ways to escape my everyday life. I should commit to creating a life that is worth living, even when the going gets tough. I can’t focus on fulfilling my calling or purpose if I’m trying to micromanage other people’s feelings towards me and the decisions I make.

    So no, I’m not giving you permission to walk away from your family or to quit your job or to end a friendship. Life isn’t easy, and everything won’t always go your way. You’re going to have some rough days or weeks or months. People will annoy you and make you mad. Conflict is unavoidable, but it can be dealt with peacefully and maturely. And even if you have good intentions, not every situation is worth pushing through and not every person is worth fighting for.

    I encourage you to evaluate what’s really worth your time, mind, and energy. Don’t allow comfort, familiarity, or guilt to stunt your growth. Don’t allow the opinions of people who clearly don’t care about your happiness or growth keep you stagnant.

    You’re allowed to enjoy your life. You’re allowed to walk away.

    a twenty-something walking the road less traveled by

    Check out my book The Alignment Challenge On Amazon.

    Related: Why I Quit Teaching After Only 4 Months

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    Simply Unedited- Simply Kymtastic turns 2!

    Posted On 01/15/2019

    2 years ago today I launched simplykymtastic.com. My first post was me revealing that I quit my job as a teacher halfway through the school year. After that, I shared everything from my struggles with my love life to my struggles with my health.

    It’s been 7 months since y’all have heard from me.

    Since June,

    I moved back in with my parents,

    I started a new job,

    I had my heart broken (for the billionth time),

    I was accepted to speak at a national conference,

    and I planned and hosted my first event as a business owner.

    My lack of blogging wasn’t due to a busy schedule or laziness. I was simply going through a transformation. Before I could process one situation, I was deep into something else.

    My words typically flow out, but writing became hard. I realized that my thoughts were incomplete. I didn’t have clarity or closure from what I was experiencing. It’s important for me to share what I’ve learned from a situation to inspire others. I wasn’t happy with my words and I didn’t feel comfortable sharing my story. I find writing to be therapeutic, but it takes a lot to publish some of the deeper parts of me with the world.

    Through my transformation, I realized that my stories are important to share… simply as they are. I’ve spent the majority of my life attempting to edit myself to fit into someone else’s script. But editing myself wasn’t doing me any favors. I’ve made the decision to simply live the life that God has written for me. I’m ready to be simply unedited…through my work and through my words.

    In 2019, I vow to share more of my story,

    more of my journey,

    and more of what makes me Simply Kymtastic.


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    No, I won’t check on my strong friends.

    Posted On 06/17/2018

    In the days following the passing of fashion designer Kate Spade and chef Anthony Bourdain the “check on your strong friends” posts have resurfaced across social media platforms. While the intentions of these posts are meant for good, I don’t agree with the concept of having “strong friends”. It’s amazing to me how we’re suddenly so laser-focused on checking on our strong friends, but I can guarantee most don’t ever take the time to check on their weak friends either.

    From what I gather, the strong friend is the person that serves as a listening ear but rarely discloses their personal battles. The strong friend also seems to handle tough situations without batting an eye.  Truth is, we’re all strong in someone’s eyes, but none of us are as strong as we appear.

    It’s easy to say you never know what someone else is going through, but how often do you stop and actively listen to someone else’s story and not judge them for it? We talk about the importance of self-care and mental health, but we want people to suck it up and deal at the same time. We’re quick to label someone as depressed (a word we use too freely) for going through a rough patch. We’re even quicker to call someone ungrateful for even mentioning a slight blemish in their seemingly picture-perfect lifestyle. When someone opens up to us, do we validate their feelings or dismiss them? We glorify being strong and then we are confused when people aren’t willing to openly talk about their struggles.

    The adjectives strong and weak should be used to describe an acid or an odor, not a person’s level of comfortability with sharing their true feelings or the frequency at which they do so. It’s not up to us to determine which of our friends are strong and which of our friends are not. It’s not for us to sort out the real problems vs the not so real problems. It’s not for us to criticize someone for how much they cry or don’t cry. It’s not our place to force someone to share their truth. It’s not about living up to society’s definition of what it means to be strong, it’s about having the ability to get through whatever life throws at us.  At times, we need someone to help us move from one point to the next and at times we need to help someone else.

    SideNote: If you always feel like you’re obligated to be the strong friend, you may need to reevaluate your friendships.       

    Don’t just check on your strong friend, check on your friend who is visibly struggling.  Check on your married friend. Check on your divorced friend. Check on your single friend. Check on your friend who moved to a new city. Check on your friend who posts everything for the world to see. Check on your friend who only likes everyone else’s posts. Check on your friend who just lost a loved one. Check on your friend who lost a loved one a few months ago. Check on your friend who is a business owner. Check on your friend who started a new job. Check on your friend in school. Check on your friends that have children. Check on your friends regularly.

    So, NO, I won’t be checking on my strong friends. I’m choosing to genuinely and actively be there for my friends because simply checking on them whenever the wind blows isn’t always enough.


    PS: Make sure you check on yourself too!

    Photo by Iz zy on Unsplash

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    Teacher, Blogger, Business Owner

    Posted On 05/06/2018

    Back in high-school, my mom told me that my sister was going to make her money by going to school for a long time (my sister is an optometrist) and I was going to create something ‘silly’ and make money from it. Throughout the years, I never forgot that conversation I had with my mom.

    I’ve always wanted to own a business, but I wasn’t sure what I kind of business I would start. I’ve done some freelance photography before, but the idea of owning a photography business didn’t seem like fun. I also thought about turning my blog into a business, but I started my blog as a hobby and I wanted to keep it that way. During a recent call with my coach Javacia, my business idea came together. All I needed to do was make it happen.  

    I thought about putting off starting a business because I wasn’t ready and I also wasn’t in a financial place to start a business. Although those were valid reasons, they were excuses. I’d never really be ready and tax season was the perfect to time to start a business. #TaxReturn  One day, after much debate, I decided that I was going to commit to making my vision a reality.

    And now I’m happy to introduce to you: Career Jam Coaching LLC. 

    What is a JAM?

    For me, the word jam has two interpretations.

    Interpretation #1

    Think about your all-time favorite song. The song that you play over and over again. The song you never get tired of hearing. The song that comes on the radio and you’re like “OOOHHHHHHH THAT’S MY JAM!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Many wake up to the tune of some somber song you’d hear at a funeral. You get up, go to work, work at your job, come home and repeat! You hate what you do, but you do it anyway so you can pay the bills.  

    You should wake up every morning and have that same excitement you have every time you hear your favorite song. Your job shouldn’t just be a job, it should be your JAM!

    Interpretation #2

    Imagine you’re driving to your favorite vacation spot. You’re pushing 70 on the interstate and all of a sudden you approach a sea of red brake lights. Next thing you know,  20 minutes have passed and you’ve only driven a mile. You’re stuck in a traffic JAM. You decide it would probably be best to find an alternate route, however, you only know one way to get there. Imagine you’re in a time before GPS was created (hard to imagine, I know). You have to pull over, look at your map, make a plan, and write down your directions. As you start driving again you have to stop and ask for help along the way. After the delay, you finally make it to your vacation spot.

    Navigating your career can bring the same frustration level of being stuck in traffic or getting lost when traveling to a new place. Maybe you know where you want to go, but you aren’t sure how to get there. Maybe you do know how to get there, but it might take a little bit longer than you planned. And for many, packing your bags and getting in the car is the hardest part. The good news? You don’t have to navigate your career alone.

     I want to help you create a life you can vibe to. My mission is to help you not just find a job but to find YOUR JAM.

    SideNote: In case you’re wondering,  I’ll still be teaching full-time and I’ll be posting on simplykymtastic.com monthly.

    Why Career Coaching?

    I’ve personally struggled with finding a career that is my JAM! Through my career struggles, I learned that I love helping others. Identifying the strengths of others is my JAM! Also, having had six, yes SIX, different jobs in the 3 years I’ve been out of college is proof that I know how to successfully find, apply for an interview for a position. 

    Last year, when I was unemployed, I enrolled in a Career Development Facilitator course to help me learn more about the career development field. I’m now a credentialed Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and  a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP). I’m a founding member of the South Carolina Career Development Association and a member of the National Career Development Association.  

    I’ll be offering career services such as resume writing, interview practice, and career clarity calls. You’ll also be able to book me for private Vision Board Experiences and other workshops. 

    The Launch

    Career Jam Coaching LLC will launch in September 2018.

    Join my Career Jam Coaching email list to receive exclusive content. Sign Up Here 

    To keep up with all of my teacher, blogger, and business owner adventures follow me on Instagram: @KymmieCartledge (formally @SimplyKymtastic).

    I thank God for His many blessings. I’m also grateful for my support system. This is just the beginning for me and I’m excited to see where this new venture takes me.


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