7 People I Don't Have Time For - Simply Kymtastic
7 People I Don’t Have Time For Seven on the Seventeenth Inconsistent people If you like me, GREAT. If you don’t, that’s cool too. Just be consistent. I don’t really concern myself with wondering how someone feels about me. If how they feel about me isn’t obvious, then I don’t need to associate with them. People Who Don’t Like Me There are 7 billion people on this earth. If a few don’t like me then that’s okay. I’m not a mean person and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt someone. I strive to be as honest and real as I can. It takes too much effort to pretend to be someone I’m not. Plenty of people love me and that’s what really matters. Cable News Correspondents Anytime breaking news happens, there are “experts” offering their opinions, with no actual facts. I just want to know what happened. No more, no less. Complainers/Naysayers We all complain from time to time, but we all know someone that never has anything positive to say. I’m on a happiness kick and I don’t need any “Negative Nancys” or “Salty Sallys” killing my vibe. Not to be cliché, but LIFE IS SHORT. People […]