7 Things I’ve Learned At 23- Seven on the Seventeenth

Posted On 05/17/2017

With my 24th birthday around the corner, I decided to reflect on the past 12 months.

It’s my hair and I don’t care

Prior to this year, the most I had done with my hair was cut it and color it. This year I decided to switch it up and try some new hair styles. I got my first weave, my first wig, and I cut off all of my relaxed hair to go natural. I’ve enjoyed changing my hair up!

Dating makes life interesting

I’ve never been one to date, but I decided to give it a try. At times it’s been fun, and at other times, I’ve been hurt a bit.  Either way, I have some great (and not so great) stories to tell. Although nothing has worked out for me on the dating front so far, I’m still hopeful.

People will talk about me, instead of talking to me.

I already knew this, but unfortunately the “real world” is just like middle school, except I have to pay bills. It’s amazing how people will keep your name in their mouth, but won’t speak to you when they see you. It doesn’t bother me, it’s just an observation.


It’s okay to leave things behind that don’t add value to my life

I got my first big girl job and quit it after four months. That situation was a little extreme, but it worked out for me in the long run. I’ve also moved away from things that I thought I would never leave behind. I enjoy living in the present, but this year I realized that I had to take advantage of opportunities even if that means leaving old things or people behind. I can’t move to the next level if I’m still doing things that don’t provide room for growth.

I can’t take care of others if I don’t take care of myself

I taught myself that it’s okay to slow down and take some time for myself. After quitting my job, I took a month for myself. I spent time relaxing, I started my blog, and enjoyed time with my niece. It was the first time since my sophomore year of college that I took a break to focus on ME. I’m much better for it.

I’m a GREAT writer and blogger

I started my blog after receiving some positive feedback on a Facebook post that I wrote back in January. I didn’t know where to start. I had no clue what I was doing, however, I decided to do it anyways. My first post went “viral” and most of my post since then have received decent page views considering I’m a new blogger.


It’s okay to think highly of myself and it’s okay to be proud of myself!  

Being humble is a quality of mine that I’ve always been proud of. The only issue is that sometimes I allow being humble to prevent me from reaching my full potential. In the past, I would let opportunities pass me by because I didn’t think I was good enough. I would downplay myself so other wouldn’t think I was “stuck up” or “full of myself”. I realize now that I can’t worry about how others view me. I’m young, but I have a lot to offer the world. I’m just getting started and I refuse to stand in my own way anymore.

23 was a tough year and the past 12 months have been difficult. But through all of the tears, the stress, the heartbreak, and the setbacks, (for the first time in my life) I finally understand what happiness feels like. I managed to find peace in the midst of chaos. I’ve learned so much about myself and I am totally in love with the person I am becoming.

I thank GOD for bringing me this far. My trust and faith in HIM is what has kept me going. I’m amazed at how much HE has blessed me with. I’m thankful for the wonderful people that HE placed in my life to help me get through all of this.  I can’t wait to see what happens next!


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  • Mercae Benge 05/22/2017 at 10:43 AM

    As another twenty something, all of this resonates hard. At 22 I quit my shitty office job on the hopes my interview with work from home gig would be successful, not even knowing if I’d been hired yet. I don’t know why I assumed I’d be hired and it’d all work out. I can’t believe I managed it tbh. But I got the job I needed at the time to get away from a much more high stress environment and I love my time at home.

  • irunelite 05/22/2017 at 12:20 PM

    It sounds like you know yourself very well! Taking care of yourself and being confident are so important! It took me a long time to learn that taking time for myself was okay! Great article! I enjoyed reading it!

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