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    Teacher, Blogger, Business Owner

    Posted On 05/06/2018

    Back in high-school, my mom told me that my sister was going to make her money by going to school for a long time (my sister is an optometrist) and I was going to create something ‘silly’ and make money from it. Throughout the years, I never forgot that conversation I had with my mom.

    I’ve always wanted to own a business, but I wasn’t sure what I kind of business I would start. I’ve done some freelance photography before, but the idea of owning a photography business didn’t seem like fun. I also thought about turning my blog into a business, but I started my blog as a hobby and I wanted to keep it that way. During a recent call with my coach Javacia, my business idea came together. All I needed to do was make it happen.  

    I thought about putting off starting a business because I wasn’t ready and I also wasn’t in a financial place to start a business. Although those were valid reasons, they were excuses. I’d never really be ready and tax season was the perfect to time to start a business. #TaxReturn  One day, after much debate, I decided that I was going to commit to making my vision a reality.

    And now I’m happy to introduce to you: Career Jam Coaching LLC. 

    What is a JAM?

    For me, the word jam has two interpretations.

    Interpretation #1

    Think about your all-time favorite song. The song that you play over and over again. The song you never get tired of hearing. The song that comes on the radio and you’re like “OOOHHHHHHH THAT’S MY JAM!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Many wake up to the tune of some somber song you’d hear at a funeral. You get up, go to work, work at your job, come home and repeat! You hate what you do, but you do it anyway so you can pay the bills.  

    You should wake up every morning and have that same excitement you have every time you hear your favorite song. Your job shouldn’t just be a job, it should be your JAM!

    Interpretation #2

    Imagine you’re driving to your favorite vacation spot. You’re pushing 70 on the interstate and all of a sudden you approach a sea of red brake lights. Next thing you know,  20 minutes have passed and you’ve only driven a mile. You’re stuck in a traffic JAM. You decide it would probably be best to find an alternate route, however, you only know one way to get there. Imagine you’re in a time before GPS was created (hard to imagine, I know). You have to pull over, look at your map, make a plan, and write down your directions. As you start driving again you have to stop and ask for help along the way. After the delay, you finally make it to your vacation spot.

    Navigating your career can bring the same frustration level of being stuck in traffic or getting lost when traveling to a new place. Maybe you know where you want to go, but you aren’t sure how to get there. Maybe you do know how to get there, but it might take a little bit longer than you planned. And for many, packing your bags and getting in the car is the hardest part. The good news? You don’t have to navigate your career alone.

     I want to help you create a life you can vibe to. My mission is to help you not just find a job but to find YOUR JAM.

    SideNote: In case you’re wondering,  I’ll still be teaching full-time and I’ll be posting on simplykymtastic.com monthly.

    Why Career Coaching?

    I’ve personally struggled with finding a career that is my JAM! Through my career struggles, I learned that I love helping others. Identifying the strengths of others is my JAM! Also, having had six, yes SIX, different jobs in the 3 years I’ve been out of college is proof that I know how to successfully find, apply for an interview for a position. 

    Last year, when I was unemployed, I enrolled in a Career Development Facilitator course to help me learn more about the career development field. I’m now a credentialed Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and  a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP). I’m a founding member of the South Carolina Career Development Association and a member of the National Career Development Association.  

    I’ll be offering career services such as resume writing, interview practice, and career clarity calls. You’ll also be able to book me for private Vision Board Experiences and other workshops. 

    The Launch

    Career Jam Coaching LLC will launch in September 2018.

    Join my Career Jam Coaching email list to receive exclusive content. Sign Up Here 

    To keep up with all of my teacher, blogger, and business owner adventures follow me on Instagram: @KymmieCartledge (formally @SimplyKymtastic).

    I thank God for His many blessings. I’m also grateful for my support system. This is just the beginning for me and I’m excited to see where this new venture takes me.


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