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    When Did You Feel Like You Were An “Adult”? 20tastic: Advice for Millennials by Millennials

    Posted On 09/29/2017
    I’m excited to present the first installment of 20tastic: Advice for Millennials by Millennials post. This feature on simplykymtastic.com isn’t  just advice. It’s a sign that you’re not as bad at adulting as you think you are.
    This month’s question…

    “Even though I’ve been married a few years and have lived overseas since graduating college, feeling like an adult came to fruition in a horrible feud with my own mother. I had been staying with her while visiting home, and there was a huge argument, resulting in me buying my first car IN MY OWN NAME, like, not even my husband co-signed it for me. I was 23. It was the first time I made a decision all by myself, and I didn’t let anyone stop me from doing it. I have something that’s mine! It took me being 5 years past eighteen to stop letting my parents influence me to do what they wanted and to just do what I want. Since then, I do whatever I want, literally. As selfish as it sounds. I’m as grown as I want to be ;)”




    “I felt like an adult around 16 or 17 years old when my mother moved out and was doing her own thing. I was mostly home alone and maintaining a household. Not necessarily from a financial aspect,  but day to day tasks such as cooking and cleaning. Maintaining the household after graduating high school really hit me especially when I received my first car.  I was in full swing of working, paying bills, and taking on more responsibility.”

     – Josh  


    “Honestly, it was when I had to start making appointments for myself that I was like “Woah, wait a minute, ABORT MISSION! I don’t wanna do this anymore.” I know I’m not the only one who almost lost it the first time my mom told me to call the eye doctor myself and make an appointment. I’m realizing more & more,  as I continue making my attempts at “adulting”, that even adults learn as they go. It’s a way of life. So I’m probably about 85% of the way there on the adult scale- Still a ways to go, but not far off. LOL”



    “It didn’t dawn on me until recently that I was officially grown. Not the “oh I’m older” type of grown, but the “I handle my business and take names later” type of grown. If I was to truly put my finger on it, 22 was the year of me growing into my grownness (and yes, I know it’s not a word!). I had officially finished my first post-undergrad job and was gearing up for a move to NYC. I was learning how to be more #TeamIkeia after playing so much for #TeamEveryoneElse. It was also the year that I realized that I was more likely to check my email than my text messages and keeping a planner for my life was absolutely essential if I wanted to stay on top of my game.”



    When did you first feel like you were an adult? Take a moment to share your experience in the comments?


    Interested in having your voice heard? Click here for your chance to be featured in next month’s 20tastic: Advice for Millennials by Millennials.


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